Beacon Falls Youth Theater Company

BFYTC 2021-2022 Session Registration

Hooray! The Beacon Falls Youth Theater program will be starting back up on October 26th, thanks to our ability to use Region 16 facilities once again.

This year will be one slow and long session with a single show planned for May. Classes will run Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5-6:30pm at Laurel Ledge Elementary School with possible days added when it gets close to showtime. Classes will begin Tuesday, October 26 and run all the way through until showtime in May. There will be 25 spots available on a first come first serve basis. Registration fees for this year’s program will be $125 per child and must be paid before your spot can be held. There will also be sponsorships available for any child looking to participate but unable to afford the full registration fee. If your family is in need of financial assistance, reach out directly to me at


Register at the following link:


We look forward to starting back up again and seeing everyone. If anyone has any questions, feel free to contact me anytime. Thank you.


-Mr. Vinny